8010 - Use and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on College Property



This policy is to give the College a method for managing the possession and use of alcohol on College property in a safe and responsible manner.


  1. Facilities Rental Fee 政策
  2. Food Vendor 政策
  3. Indoor Firearms Range 政策
  4. 吸烟政策
  5. Student Conduct 政策
  6. Conduct and Compliance 政策
  7. Community Use of College Facilities 政策


The students, employees, and visitors of Washtenaw Community College are expected to observe all federal, state, and local laws and College regulations governing the use and possession of alcoholic beverages. Students, employees, and visitors are forbidden to use or possess alcoholic beverages on College property. These restrictions on the use and possession of alcoholic beverages may be waived in certain circumstances. Specifically, the restrictions may be waived when the following criteria are met (these criteria apply to both internal College groups and external organizations):

  1. The organization that intends to serve alcohol must have College approval to do so.
  2. The organization that intends to serve alcohol must meet and follow all requirements for a 24-hour permit issued by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
  3. The organization that intends to serve alcohol must submit its request for permission to serve alcohol to the President or his/her designee. The President or his designee has the authority to approve or disapprove this request for permission to serve alcohol. The President or his/her designee will maintain a record of the number of 24-hour permits issued to the College during the course of each year.
  4. Applications to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for a 24-hour permit shall designate either the Job Skills and Campus 事件 Building or buildings approved by the President or his/her designee.
  5. Alcoholic beverages cannot be served unless food is served and other non-alcoholic beverages are available. The terms and conditions of food service contracts entered into by the College with specific vendors shall be observed.
  6. All costs incurred in securing a 24-hour permit and utilization of College facilities shall be borne by the sponsoring organization.
  7. The organization that intends to serve alcohol shall be required to provide liability insurance in accordance with State law to protect the College.
  8. The organization shall adhere to related policies and procedures governing the use of College facilities. These include, but are not limited to, those listed in section B of this policy document.
  9. The organization must submit an approved alcohol permit thirty (30) working days prior 参加活动.
  10. The organization that serves the alcohol must furnish, store and dispense all alcoholic beverages for the event and remove them immediately after the event is over. 用户 must furnish the bartenders and be responsible for the behavior of all participants. Specifically, the user is responsible for:
  11. Ordering and purchasing the beverage.
  12. Storing prior 参加活动 including a formal inventory of the beverage stock.
  13. Dispensing of the alcoholic beverages.
  14. Collecting, inventorying, and storing unused beverages.
  15. Establishing a procedure for removing unused portions from campus.
  16. All persons who are served alcoholic beverages must be of legal drinking age. 当 a State of Michigan 24-hour license is required, persons under the legal drinking age are not allowed where the alcoholic beverages are being dispersed or consumed.
  17. The dispensing of alcoholic beverages must conform to all federal, state and local laws and ordinances.
  18. Alcohol may be served for educational purposes, such as wine-tasting seminars and public service training programs, provided that persons consuming the beverages are registered members of the class. The person responsible for coordinating the training program is responsible for notifying his or her appropriate dean and the President or his/her designee that alcohol will be served as part of the educational program.

Adopted: April 24, 1979
Revised: June 26, 1990
Under Consideration: 2002
